Tapestry publications include our Blog and the basic information webpages on Indigenous Knowledge, Ways of Knowing, and key concepts of Indigenous worldview and philosophy found on this website (Blog entries are indexed at the bottom of this page; scroll down to see the complete list). We also publish more scholarly work, including a series of Occasional Papers on this website and contributions to professional journals, books, and other publications (such as the Global Yearbook of Indigenous Knowledge of Climate Change).
Papers published in books, magazines, or at online archives (those with three asterisks in front are available for free viewing and/or download):
***Tapestry Institute IKhana Fund Planning Team — Dawn Hill Adams, Shawn Wilson, Fiona Cram, Jess Venable, Julius Wassenas, John Njovu, Beverly Te Hui, Jo Belasco, and Jessica Sweidan. 2022. Standing Our Ground for the Land: An Indigenous Philanthropy. Chadron, Nebraska: Tapestry Institute.
- Adams, Dawn Hill, Stuart Barlo, and Jo L. Belasco. 2001. Of Time, Patience, and Ceremony. Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 7: 2021. A response to “Confronting storms, fires, and pestilence: Meaningful evaluation for a hazardous world” by Juha I. Uitto (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18296/em.0069
- ***Belasco, Jo and Dawn Hill Adams. “Indigenizing Environmental Law,” published (pages 7-10) in the 2021 Compendium of Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge: Towards Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge in Global Reports on Climate Change, Mustonen, T., Harper, S.L., Rivera Ferre, M., Postigo, J., Ayanlade, A. Benjaminsen, T., Morgan, R., & Okem, A. (Eds.). The volume is published by the Snowchange Cooperative of Kontiolahti, Finland, in association with the current IPCC AR6.
- ***Adams, Dawn Hill. “The Wisdom on the Wind,” blog post for the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA). 6/17/2020.
- Adams, Dawn Hill, Shawn Wilson, Ryan Heavy Head, Fiona Cram, and Edmund W. Gordon. 2019. “Bridges to ‘Ceremony at a Boundary Fire: A Story of Indigenist Knowledge,” in Human Variance and Assessment for Learning. Armour-Thomas, Eleanor, Cynthia McCallister, A. Wade Boykin, and Edmund W. Gordon, Eds. Third World Press Foundation, Chicago. Forward, pp. xiii – xxvi.
- Adams, Dawn. 2018. An experience-based perspective on the relationship between indigenous and Western epistemic systems in research. Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 4: 2018.
- ***Dawn Hill Adams, Shawn Wilson, Ryan Heavy Head, and Edmund W. Gordon. 2015. “Ceremony at a Boundary Fire: A Story of Indigenist Knowledge.”
- Dawn Hill Adams. 2015. Recorded interview about Indigenous ways of knowing at the annual meeting of CREA, the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment. Chicago, Illinois.
Occasional Papers published on Tapestry’s website (free access):
- Adams, Dawn Hill. 2021. Mitigating Natural Hazards: An Indigenous View. Tapestry Institute Occasional Papers, Volume 5, Number 1.
- Adams, Dawn Hill. 2016. In Service to the Land: Indigenous Research Methods in the Natural Sciences. Tapestry Institute Occasional Papers. Volume 2, Number 1a.
- Adams, Dawn Hill and Jo Belasco. 2015. The Mythic Roots of Western Culture’s Alienation from Nature. Tapestry Institute Occasional Papers. Volume 1, Number 3..
- Adams, Dawn Hill. 2015. Assessment as Acculturation: Procrustes in the Land Between the Mountain and the Sea. Tapestry Institute Occasional Papers. Volume 1, Number 2.
- Adams, Dawn Hill. 2015. Of pipelines and rivers: science and Indigenous ways. Tapestry Institute Occasional Papers,.Volume 1, Number 1.
Tapestry’s Blog offers opportunities to discover basic principles of Indigenous worldview and experience the power of learning and integrating knowledge acquired in many different ways.
- Tapestry Institute: Home at last! September 15, 2023
- A Good Man Is Recognized! April 24, 2023
- Indigenous Knowledge on Climate, April 4, 2022
- IPCC Requests Indigenous Input, June 21, 2020
- Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ, June 12, 2020
- Relationship and Reciprocity, May 4, 2020
- Anthem for a Time of Challenge, April 27, 2020
- Consent Decree and Consequences, April 25, 2020
- The Real Time Context of COVID-19, April 13, 2020
- COVID-19 in the Context of Sacred Commemorations, April 12, 2020
- Connection, April 7, 2020
- Hunkering Down with the Horses, April 1, 2020
- You Know You Belong to the Land, March 30, 2020
- Together We Are a Strong People, March 29, 2020
- Some COVID Hope in Quarantine, March 28, 2020
- It’s About Time, March 27, 2020
- Isolation and Connection, March 26, 2020
- Just Stop, March 25, 2020
- Paradox, March 24, 2020
- Heroes in a Time of Pandemic, March 21, 2020
- Circling Back Home, October 1, 2020
- Nature Is Not a Resource, March 18, 2020
- Happy Anniversary, Tapestry Institute, March 3, 2018
- Spring Birds, April 23, 2017
- Clarissa Rizal Walks On, December 10, 2016
- Research In Service to the Land, November 14, 2016
- Mythic Roots of Western Culture’s Alienation from Nature, April 20, 2016
- Connected Through Horse Ibachakali, April 19, 2016
- The Scientific Method Ain’t Necessarily So, May 22, 2015
- The Power of Story: Procrustes in the Land Between the Mountain and the Sea, May 18, 2015
- Battle of the Forest is Over: Victory in Ostola!, March 24, 2015
- Of Pipelines and Rivers: Science and Indigenous Ways, January 29, 2015
- A Turning Point: Solstice Thoughts on Believing What We Know, December 21, 2014
- Urgent Help to Protect an Old Growth Forest Elder in Northern Europe!, December 5, 2014
- IUCN Update from Tero Mustonen of Snowchange, November 24, 2014
- Across the Creek PBS Video, November 12, 2014
- Since Time Immemorial Iniative, November 12, 2014
- Indigenous and Local Community Conserved Areas Movement Meeting, November 12, 2014
- Painting Our Children Into a Corner, September 10, 2014
- Wings 2014 Conference, July 15, 2014
- Mustang History and Why It Matters, March 10, 2014
- Indigenous Research Methods Presentation, November 7, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series Finale, July 29, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 9, July 28, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 8, July 26, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 7, July 24, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 6, July 23, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 5, July 22, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 4, July 21, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 3, July 20, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 2, July 19, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Part 1, July 18, 2013
- The Canyon Hike Series, Introduction, July 17, 2013