The Canyon Hike Series, Part 6

As spring approached, it became clear that the canyon was going to be even more beautiful than before the fire, something we had never imagined to be possible. Buttes that had been invisible could now be seen. And along with them, new grass and wildflowers. The contrast between the green of the new grass and Read More

The Canyon Hike Series, Part 5

There was an interesting weather phenomenon called freezing fog that happened in the canyon after the wildfire. Fog moved in during the winter and because it was cold, it froze on many things in the canyon. Many times, because of the way fog moves, it would freeze on one half of something (a tree or Read More

The Canyon Hike Series, Part 3

The ranch where Tapestry was located in Nebraska was not your ordinary working ranch.  We didn’t have any cows, for example.  We had personal animals, wild Mustangs and wild buffalo.  Thanks to the help of local people, we were able to evacuate our domestic and gentled horses the day we were evacuated from the ranch Read More